Source code for velofilter
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import linregress as li
from math import exp
[docs]def calc_factor(field,stepsize=0.01):
Function for calculation of the summed binning.
The returned result is an integral over the binning of the velocities.
It is done for the negative and positive half separately.
:param field: is a 1D field which will be binned
:param stepsize: is the step size for the velocity
:return (positive,negative):
velocities and the binning result for positive half and negative half are returned
as a tuple of numpy arrays
result_pos = []
result_neg = []
alpha = 0.
#: binning of the positive half
while alpha <= np.max(field)+stepsize:
pos = alpha
neg = 0.
filtered = np.copy(field)
filtered[filtered<=neg] = np.nan
filtered[filtered>pos] = np.nan
outlier = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(filtered))/np.float(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(field)))
alpha += stepsize
alpha = 0.
#: binning of the negative half
while alpha <= np.abs(np.min(field))+stepsize:
pos = 0.
neg = -1.*alpha
filtered = np.copy(field)
filtered[filtered<=neg] = np.nan
filtered[filtered>pos] = np.nan
outlier = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(filtered))/np.float(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(field)))
alpha += stepsize
return (np.array(result_pos),np.array(result_neg))
[docs]def calc_derivative(field,stepsize=0.01):
Function for calculation of the binning.
The returned result is the binning of the velocities.
It is called derivative because it is mathematically the derivative of the function:
.. function:: velofilter.calc_factor
It is done for the negative and positive half separately.
:param field: is a 1D field which will be binned
:param stepsize: is the step size for the velocity
:return (positive,negative):
velocities and the binning result for positive half and negative half are returned
as a tuple
result_pos = []
result_neg = []
outlier = 1.
alpha = 0.
while alpha <= np.max(field)+stepsize:
pos = alpha+stepsize
neg = alpha
filtered = np.copy(field)
filtered[(filtered<=neg) | (filtered>pos)] = np.nan
#filtered[filtered>pos] = np.nan
outlier = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(filtered))/np.float(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(field)))
alpha += stepsize
outlier = 1.
alpha = 0.
while alpha <= np.abs(np.min(field))+stepsize:
pos = -1.*alpha
neg = -1.*(alpha+stepsize)
filtered = np.copy(field)
filtered[(filtered<=neg) | (filtered>pos)] = np.nan
#filtered[filtered>pos] = np.nan
outlier = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(filtered))/np.float(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(field)))
alpha += stepsize
return (np.array(result_pos),np.array(result_neg))
[docs]def filter(piv,tfactor=3.,dalpha=.01):
Function for calculating the cutoff values.
:param object piv: PIV class object
This is supposed to be an object from a Direct or adaptive Class
it is needed to get the velocities
:param double tfactor: Factor for cutoff in the velocity binning
The default value is set to 3 which works for many cases
:param double dalpha: value for differential velocity
The default is set to .01 which work for many cases
if the velocities vary over a larger ranger use a larger value
#: pre sampling
numberup = np.count_nonzero(piv.u<=0.)/np.float(np.count_nonzero(piv.u))
numberun = np.count_nonzero(piv.u>0.)/np.float(np.count_nonzero(piv.u))
numbervp = np.count_nonzero(piv.v<=0.)/np.float(np.count_nonzero(piv.v))
numbervn = np.count_nonzero(piv.v>0.)/np.float(np.count_nonzero(piv.v))
upos = numberup
uneg = numberun
vpos = numbervp
vneg = numbervn
#: get alpha dependency
up_alpha, un_alpha = calc_factor(piv.u,dalpha)
vp_alpha, vn_alpha = calc_factor(piv.v,dalpha)
#: calculate derivative directly from data
dup_alpha1, dun_alpha1 = calc_derivative(piv.u,dalpha)
dvp_alpha1, dvn_alpha1 = calc_derivative(piv.v,dalpha)
dup_alpha = dup_alpha1[:,1]
dun_alpha = dun_alpha1[:,1]
dvp_alpha = dvp_alpha1[:,1]
dvn_alpha = dvn_alpha1[:,1]
#get boundaries
boundup = np.sum(dup_alpha[0:5])/5./np.exp(tfactor)
boundun = np.sum(dun_alpha[0:5])/5./np.exp(tfactor)
boundvp = np.sum(dvp_alpha[0:5])/5./np.exp(tfactor)
boundvn = np.sum(dvn_alpha[0:5])/5./np.exp(tfactor)
#get indices and exponential
if upos != 0.:
indexup = np.where(dup_alpha<boundup)
cut_up =[0][0:5])/5.)
nup = np.polyfit(np.log( up_alpha[1:cut_up,0]),np.log(up_alpha[1:cut_up,1]),1)
upos = exp(-nup[1]/nup[0])
if uneg != 0.:
indexun = np.where(dun_alpha<boundun)
cut_un =[0][0:5])/5.)
nun = np.polyfit(np.log(-un_alpha[1:cut_un,0]),np.log(un_alpha[1:cut_un,1]),1)
uneg = -exp(-nun[1]/nun[0])
if vpos != 0.:
indexvp = np.where(dvp_alpha<boundvp)
cut_vp =[0][0:5])/5.)
nvp = np.polyfit(np.log( vp_alpha[1:cut_vp,0]),np.log(vp_alpha[1:cut_vp,1]),1)
vpos = exp(-nvp[1]/nvp[0])
if vneg != 0.:
indexvn = np.where(dvn_alpha<boundvn)
cut_vn =[0][0:5])/5.)
nvn = np.polyfit(np.log(-vn_alpha[1:cut_vn,0]),np.log(vn_alpha[1:cut_vn,1]),1)
vneg = -exp(-nvn[1]/nvn[0])
#filter + clamping
if upos > np.max(piv.u):
upos = np.max(piv.u)
if uneg < np.min(piv.u):
uneg = np.min(piv.u)
if vpos > np.max(piv.v):
vpos = np.max(piv.v)
if vneg < np.min(piv.v):
vneg = np.min(piv.v)
#equalizing the cutoff
upos *= (0.5+numberup)
uneg *= (0.5+numberun)
vpos *= (0.5+numbervp)
vneg *= (0.5+numbervn)
#making the mask
masku = (piv.u<uneg) | (piv.u>upos)
maskv = (piv.v<vneg) | (piv.v>vpos)
piv.u[masku] = np.nan
piv.v[maskv] = np.nan