Source code for piv.velocity_scaler
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline as RBS
[docs]class VelocityUpscaler(object):
Class for scaling the velocity field according to GridSpec
def __init__(self, new_grid_spec, old_grid_spec):
Initialization of the scaler.
The old and new grid specifications are loaded and a meshgrid according to the new grid is calculated.
:param GridSpec new_grid_spec: GridSpec of the new field
:param GridSpec old_grid_spec: GridSpec of the old field
self.new_spec = new_grid_spec
self.old_spec = old_grid_spec
self._ws = old_grid_spec.window_size
self._dist = old_grid_spec.distance
self._tw = new_grid_spec.window_size
self._td = new_grid_spec.distance
lx, ly = old_grid_spec.get_grid_shape()
distance = old_grid_spec.distance
self._tx = np.arange(0, lx*distance, distance)
self._ty = np.arange(0, ly*distance, distance)
lx, ly = new_grid_spec.get_grid_shape()
target_distance = new_grid_spec.distance
tx = np.arange(0, lx*target_distance, target_distance)
ty = np.arange(0, ly*target_distance, target_distance)
self._out_x, self._out_y = np.meshgrid(tx, ty, indexing='ij')
[docs] def scale_field(self, f):
Scaling of the field according to calculated meshgrid.
For the interpolation rectangular bivariate Splines are used.
These are implemented from the scipy function `RectBivariateSpline <>`_.
:param f: field to be interpolated
:returns: field after interpolation
rbs = RBS(self._tx, self._ty, f)
return rbs.ev(self._out_x, self._out_y)