import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as nl
[docs]def find_peak(corr, method='gaussian'):
"""Peak detection algorithm switch
After loading the correlation window an maximum finder is invoked.
The correlation window is cut down to the necessary 9 points around the maximum.
Afterwards the maximum is checked not to be close to the boarder of the correlation frame.
This cropped window is used in along with the chosen method to interpolate the sub pixel shift.
Each interpolation method returns a tuple with the sub pixel shift in x and y direction.
The maximums position and the sub pixel shift are added and returned.
If an error occurred during the sub pixel interpolation the shift is set to nan.
Also if the interpolation method is unknown an exception in thrown.
:param corr: correlation window
:param method: peak finder algorithm (gaussian, centroid, parabolic, 9point)
:raises: Sub pixel interpolation method not found
:returns: shift in interrogation window
i, j = np.unravel_index(corr.argmax(), corr.shape)
if check_peak_position(corr, i, j) is False:
return np.nan, np.nan
window = corr[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2]
if method == 'gaussian':
subpixel_interpolation = gaussian
elif method == 'centroid':
subpixel_interpolation = centroid
elif method == 'parabolic':
subpixel_interpolation = parabolic
elif method == '9point':
subpixel_interpolation = gaussian2D
raise Exception('Sub pixel interpolation method not found!')
dx, dy = subpixel_interpolation(window)
return np.nan, np.nan
return (i + dx, j + dy)
[docs]def check_peak_position(corr, i, j):
"""Checking weather the maximum is at the boarder of the correlation window
:param corr: correlation window
:param i: first index position of the maximum
:param j: second index position of the maximum
:returns: true if maximum is inside the correlation window
dist = 3
li, lj = corr.shape
i_inside = (i >= dist) & (i < li - dist)
j_inside = (j >= dist) & (j < lj - dist)
if i_inside and j_inside:
return True
return False
[docs]def gaussian(window):
"""Gaussian interpolation for sub pixel shift"""
ip = lambda x : (np.log(x[0]) - np.log(x[2]))\
/(2*np.log(x[2]) - 4*np.log(x[1]) + 2*np.log(x[0]))
return ip(window[:, 1]), ip(window[1])
[docs]def centroid(window):
"""Centroid interpolation for sub pixel shift"""
ip = lambda x : (x[2] - x[0])/(x[0] + x[1] + x[2])
return ip(window[:, 1]), ip(window[1])
[docs]def parabolic(window):
"""Parabolic interpolation for sub pixel shift"""
ip = lambda x : (x[0] - x[2])/(2*x[0] - 4*x[1] + 2*x[2])
return ip(window[:, 1]), ip(window[1])
[docs]def gaussian2D(window):
"""Real 2D Gaussian interpolation for sub pixel shift"""
#ref on paper
w = np.ones((3, 3))*(1./9)
rhs = np.zeros(6)
M = np.zeros((6,6))
for i in [-1, 0, 1]:
for j in [-1, 0, 1]:
rhs = rhs + np.array([i*w[i+1, j+1]*np.log(np.abs(window[i+1, j+1])),
j*w[i+1, j+1]*np.log(np.abs(window[i+1, j+1])),
i*j*w[i+1, j+1]*np.log(np.abs(window[i+1, j+1])),
i*i*w[i+1, j+1]*np.log(np.abs(window[i+1, j+1])),
j*j*w[i+1, j+1]*np.log(np.abs(window[i+1, j+1])),
w[i+1, j+1]*np.log(np.abs(window[i+1, j+1]))], dtype='float')
M = M + w[i+1, j+1]*np.array([[ i*i, i*j, i*i*j, i*i*i, i*j*j, i],
[ i*j, j*j, i*j*j, i*i*j, j*j*j, j],
[i*i*j, i*j*j, i*i*j*j, i*i*i*j, i*j*j*j, i*j],
[i*i*i, i*i*j, i*i*i*j, i*i*i*i, i*i*j*j, i*i],
[i*j*j, j*j*j, i*j*j*j, i*i*j*j, j*j*j*j, j*j],
[ i, j, i*j, i*i, j*j, 1]], dtype='float')
solution = nl.solve(M, rhs)
dx = ( solution[2]*solution[1] - 2.0*solution[0]*solution[4])/ \
(4.0*solution[3]*solution[4] - solution[2]*solution[2])
dy = ( solution[2]*solution[0] - 2.0*solution[1]*solution[3])/ \
(4.0*solution[3]*solution[4] - solution[2]*solution[2])
return dx, dy