Source code for piv.grid_deformator

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
import sys
from interpolator import CubicInterpolator

[docs]class GridDeformator(object): """ Class of the grid deformator. """ def __init__(self, frame, shape, distance, method='bilinear'): """ Initialization of the grid deformation process. The frame and grid shape are set as well as the distance between the interrogation windows and the method of deformation. The available methods are * bilinear and * central. :param frame: image that is interpolated :param shape: shape of the initial regular grid :param distance: shift between the interrogation windows :param method: deformation method """ self._frame = frame self._shape = shape self._distance = distance self._ipmethod = method if method == 'cubic': self._cube_ip = CubicInterpolator(frame, shape[-1])
[docs] def set_velocities(self, u, v): """ Setter function for the velocities to calculate the displacement. Calls the getter function for every velocity component. :param u: x component of the velocity vector :param v: y component of the velocity vector """ self._u_disp = self._get_displacement_function(u) self._v_disp = self._get_displacement_function(v)
[docs] def _get_displacement_function(self, f): """ Getter function for calculating the displacement. :param f: field that is used for the displacement, mainly velocity components :returns: function of the Taylor expanded field to first order """ dx = self._distance f_x, f_y = np.gradient(f , dx) f_xx, f_xy = np.gradient(f_x, dx) f_yx, f_yy = np.gradient(f_y, dx) return lambda i, j, x, y : (f[i, j] + x*f_x[i, j] + y*f_y[i, j] + 0.5*(f_xx[i, j]*x**2 + 2*f_xy[i, j]*x*y + f_yy[i, j]*y**2))
#For the bilinear method the build in scipy method `map_coordinates <>`_ is used with *order* set to 1.
[docs] def get_frame(self, i, j): """ Perform interpolation to produce the deformed window for correlation. This function takes the previously set displacement and interpolates the image for these coordinates. If the cubic interpolation method is chosen, the cubic interpolation of this API is use. For the bilinear method the build in scipy method `map_coordinates <>`_ is used with *order* set to 1. :param int i: first index in grid coordinates :param int j: second index in grid coordinates :returns: interpolated window for the grid coordinates i,j and the image set in initialization """ dws = self._shape[-1] offset_x, offset_y = np.mgrid[-dws/2+0.5:dws/2+0.5, -dws/2+0.5:dws/2+0.5] gx, gy = np.mgrid[0:dws, 0:dws] grid_x = gx + self._distance*i grid_y = gy + self._distance*j ptsax = (grid_x + self._u_disp(i, j, offset_x, offset_y)).ravel() ptsay = (grid_y + self._v_disp(i, j, offset_x, offset_y)).ravel() p, q = self._shape[-2:] if self._ipmethod == 'bilinear': return map_coordinates(self._frame, [ptsax, ptsay], order=1).reshape(p, q) if self._ipmethod == 'cubic': return self._cube_ip.interpolate(ptsax, ptsay).reshape(p, q)